Terms & Conditions of Website

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they apply to your access to and use of the services described in our website.

We request that you pay particular attention to our Privacy Policy which sets out the principles by which we abide in relation to the treatment of information about visitors to our website and which includes information provided in accordance with the European Data Protection Directives.

In consideration of our allowing you free access to the material on our website, and by proceeding past our Homepage, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. In order to protect your own interests, we request that you read these Terms and Conditions carefully before doing so.

You may save these Terms and Conditions for your future reference by clicking on 'Save' and you may print a copy of them by clicking on 'Print'. In any event, a copy of these Terms and Conditions will be cached to your computer's hard drive.

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to our website and the services we provide through it, and supersede all prior communications and agreements between us, whether electronic, oral or written, regarding the subject matter contained in our website. A printed version of these Terms and Conditions and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.


Any information you give to us will be stored and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Your attention is drawn specifically to this section.

  1. The materials contained in this website are provided for general information purposes only. SAS International does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from accessing or relying on information contained in this website.
  2. This website or any part of it may not be compatible with your browser or computer configuration and we make no warranty that it is. We make no warranty that our services via this website will be available at any particular time or that your access to our website will be uninterrupted, timely or error free and we will not be responsible if we are unable to provide the web site or its services for any reason.
  3. All reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, but no warranty is given regarding such information which may, in some instances, become incomplete, out of date or incorrect. It is essential that you verify information with us before taking any action that relies upon the accuracy of this website's content.
  4. If you are accessing our website and services in the course of a business, all implied warranties and conditions are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law.

We shall not be liable for any loss of profit, data loss, loss of production, depletion of goodwill or any indirect loss, costs or expenses whatsoever arising out of your use of our website, your use of our services advertised on our website, or our failure to deliver services contained on our website. Our total liability for losses arising out of your use of this website, your use of the services available through it, or our failure to deliver any such services shall be limited to the total cost of the purchase under which the claim arises for any one event or series of connected events or, if no service has been purchased, to £50.00.

However, if you are accessing our website to use the services available through it otherwise than in the course of your business, you have certain statutory rights as a consumer regarding the performance of services. These statutory rights are not and will not be affected by any statement contained in these Terms and Conditions (and in particular, any provision which has the effect of limiting our liability to you in the event that any service is defective or fails to correspond with the description given to it on this website shall not apply).

  1. You warrant to us that you will not use this website for any unlawful purposes or in a way that is prohibited by these Terms and Conditions. We may immediately terminate your ability to access this website if you breach these Terms and Conditions or if we believe that we or our other customers may incur liability from your actions.
  2. This website may include hyperlinks to websites operated by other parties and content posted by visitors to our website. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating them and their inclusion does not imply our endorsement of their content. We are therefore not responsible for the content of external Internet sites that link to this website or which are linked from it. Nor are we responsible for any content posted to this website by visitors.


If you are accessing our website in the course of a business, you agree to indemnify us and to keep us indemnified from all or any liability or damages we incur in contract, tort or otherwise towards a third party as a result of your use of this website.


The contents of this site are protected by copyright under international law. Your visit to the website does not grant you a licence or right to use our trade marks.

You are permitted to read the contents of this site and to make copies for your own personal use. You may also give copies to colleagues for their personal use on terms that SAS International is acknowledged as the source, the text is not altered in any way, and the attention of the recipients is drawn to this warning. All other use and copying of any of the contents of this site is prohibited. Copying from websites of third parties is subject to any requirements applicable to those sites.


This website and the services available on it are provided by SAS International. We are committed to meeting the highest quality standards in the delivery of the service we provide to our customers. We aim to provide efficient and effective service and take any problems that do arise very seriously indeed. We aim to ensure that any complaints our customers may have are identified quickly and dealt with in accordance with our complaints handling procedure. In the event that you have any cause for complaint with regard to any of our services, please email webmaster@sasint.co.uk. Alternatively, you may raise the matter with our Company Secretary.


All text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, artwork and computer code (collectively, "Content"), including but not limited to the design, structure, selection, coordination, expression, "look and feel" and arrangement of such Content, contained on the Site is owned, controlled or licensed by or to SAS INTERNATIONAL, and is protected by trade dress, copyright, patent and trademark laws, and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws.

All rights in the Content not expressly granted herein are reserved. Except as otherwise provided, the Content published on this Web Site may be reproduced or distributed in unmodified form for personal non-commercial use only. Any other use of the Content, including without limitation distribution, reproduction, modification, display or transmission without the prior written consent of SAS INTERNATIONAL is strictly prohibited. All copyright and other proprietary notices shall be retained on all reproductions.

Any material or information sent through or in connection with this Web Site by you (“User Materials”) will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, and immediately become the property of SAS INTERNATIONAL, subject to any privacy policies posted on this Web Site. SAS INTERNATIONAL may use such User Materials as it deems fit, anywhere in the world, without obligation for compensation, and free of any moral rights, intellectual property rights and/or other proprietary rights in or to such User Materials.

The trademarks, logos, trade names and service marks, whether registered or unregistered (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed on the SAS INTERNATIONAL website are Trademarks of SAS INTERNATIONAL. Nothing contained on the SAS INTERNATIONAL site should be construed as granting by implication or otherwise, any licence or right to use any Trademark displayed on the SAS INTERNATIONAL site without the written permission of SAS INTERNATIONAL or such third party that may own the Trademark. Any unauthorised commercial use of these materials will violate SAS INTERNATIONAL’s intellectual property rights and will be subject to SAS INTERNATIONAL full legal rights and remedies.


If any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable the remainder of the Terms and Conditions shall not be affected.

The website and the services offered within it have been prepared in compliance with the laws of England and Wales and are not suitable for use in other parts of the United Kingdom or overseas. You should seek appropriate legal advice if you are unsure as to which country's law or jurisdiction applies to your circumstances.

Our website is operated and controlled from the United Kingdom and these Terms and Conditions and your use of this website are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Unless you are using our website and services as a consumer, by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you consent to all disputes arising out of or relating to your use of this website being decided only by the courts of England and Wales. If you are accessing this website from another jurisdiction it is your responsibility to ensure compliance with the laws that apply to that jurisdiction.

You are not permitted to assign your rights under these Terms and Conditions. All rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

SAS International
July 2018